International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology

ISSN : 2229-3345

Open Access
Open Access


Title : A Survey Report On Software Aging and Rejuvenation studies in Virtualized Environment
Keywords : Software aging, Software rejuvenation, Virtualized, VM, VMM, Application-specific indicator, System-wide indicator.
Issue Date : May 2014
Abstract :
Software aging is a phenomenon that occurs in a long running complex software system that tends to decrease in performance or increase in failure rate. This phenomenon lead to performance degradation and crash/hang failure. To counteract software aging a technique named as software rejuvenation has been proposed, which remove aging related failures and its effects. Nowadays, virtualized platform has become the popular choice to deploy complex and long running application. Critical and long running applications are always expected to be available but these applications are more prone to suffer from software aging phenomenon. To counteract this phenomenon software rejuvenation technique has been used. To eliminate downtime outages due to rejuvenation we have combined rejuvenation manager component with two aging indicators application-specific indicator and system-wide indicator. The idea behind our paper is to propose a algorithm which will choose the correct rejuvenation technique for virtual machine(VM) and virtual machine monitor(VMM) according to its aging effect. Through this method we can save both time and cost.
Page(s) : 541-546
ISSN : 2229-3345
Source : Vol. 5, Issue.5

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