International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology

ISSN : 2229-3345

Open Access
Open Access


Title : EFS: Enhanced FACES Protocol for Secure Routing In MANET
Authors : Geethu Bastian, Arun Soman
Keywords : MANET; malicious; Challenge
Issue Date : September 2013
Abstract :
Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is an autonomous system of mobile hosts equipped with wireless communication devices. These mobile nodes can form a network anywhere and at anytime. But the topology of the network thereby formed will be unpredictable due to frequent node movement. For sending data to destination, source node can send directly or can forward via an intermediate node depending upon the range of destination node. Since security is a major concern in ad-hoc network, secure routing algorithm is essential for MANET. Even if there are different algorithms to prevent selfishness in MANET and thereby to make routing in ad-hoc network secure, they have their own disadvantages. This paper explores the concept of a new algorithm which is an enhanced version of the existing FACES Algorithm that routes data on the basis of trust. The Trust is evaluated by conducting a Challenge scheme. This is an efficient scheme that can isolate malicious nodes and also it can make them trust worthy. This algorithm is also having several other significances. This paper will also make a study of the existing routing scheme FACES.
Page(s) : 1253-1257
ISSN : 2229-3345
Source : Vol. 4, Issue.9

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