International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology

ISSN : 2229-3345

Open Access
Open Access


Title : Detecting The Optic Disc Using Morphology And Histogram based Thresholding
Authors : Amandeep Kaur, Reecha Sharma
Issue Date : June 2014
Abstract :
Optic disc (OD) detection is the most important step while developing an automated screening systems for certain diseases. However, it is a cumbersome task to locate Optic disc in all types of retinal images including normal, healthy images as well as abnormal images (images affected due to disease). This paper presents a method to automatically locate the Optic disc in digital retinal fundus images. The method adopted for the extraction of the optic disc contour is mainly based on mathematical morphology along with appropriate thresholding. This particular method follows multiple steps – in initial steps, pre processing of image is done using filtering and morphology operations, then optic disc is detected using thresholding. Pre processing techniques based on morphological operations includes dilation and erosion. The proposed algorithm gives excellent results and avoids false OD detection. This method is tested on standard databases (DRIONS-DB) provided for researchers on internet.
Page(s) : 639-644
ISSN : 2229-3345
Source : Vol. 5, Issue.6

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